The [[|PO Vendor Mass Item Delete]] screen allows you to purge/remove items associated with a vendor in bulk. To remove multiple items, start by selecting the vendor then click **GO** {{:programs:po_vendoritemmassdelete01.png?nolink|}} From the resulting screen, select the items you want to delete and click **Delete Selected Items**. All selected items will be deleted in bulk and purged from the vendor items listing. {{:programs:po_vendoritemmassdelete02.png?nolink|}} You will get confirmation that the item has been deleted successfully. {{:programs:po_vendoritemmassdelete03.png?nolink|}} Item Number: This is the unique vendor item number IC Partnum: This the unique item parts number Name: This is the name of the vendor items Description: This is additional information on vendor items Cost: This is the cost of vendor items